Friday, July 18, 2008

They are TOTALLY Jesus-centric.

I got this off Boing Boing and fucking loved it, it was so deeply wrong and funny.

And my significant other wonders how and why I've come to loathe organized religion. I'm sure growing up here had nothing to do with it. This guy is totally brilliant, you just couldn't make this shit up. I love how it's smoking and leaking at the end--what does THAT mean?

And while we're doing hysterically offensive, let's take a look at this PETA ad I nicked off Skyler's Dad's site...


Triana said...*gasp*

Veloute said...

I just died.

Oh that was excellent, lol!!

Anonymous said...

His pickle is tapped into a higher power? Oh my...

Anonymous said...

Love the AD btw.

Ellen Aim said...

frankly, I just want to know how THE FUCK anyone dreamed this up...

Veloute said...

The same people who thought that a banana is evidence of Intelligent Design.

Ellen Aim said...

dude, right on. it will never end.