Friday, August 10, 2007

I'm afraid we can't give them up. Poor Perdita, she'd be heartbroken.

I'm really not a dog person, you know, but our friends Joe and Jean (my dad was best man at their wedding; Joe is also responsible for the design of one of the newest nickels and Jean works at the Smithsonian in one of the coolest jobs ever) have THE CUTEST NEW PUG PUP. It's obscene how cute he is. Meet Guido:

I want one. In the meantime I may be content in visiting them in DC. What a gorgeous puppy.

On a completely different note, I forgot to mention I was impressed with a new anthology series ABC is (begrudgingly?) putting out, called Masters of Science Fiction. I heard about it on NPR's Fresh Air, and it airs Saturday nights at 9pm. Talk about sweeping shit under the rug. But I enjoyed the one episode I've seen so far! The critic featured on Fresh Air really liked it, too, and was highly miffed at ABC for its time slot. He really found it to be in the vein of Amazing Stories and The Twilight Zone and hoped it would fare well (unlikely in its slot).

Speaking of Saturday nights, D and I decided it's about time to give SNL another go (worth a shot every few years) after Tuesday's interview with Andy Samberg. I asked TiVO to record this Saturday's show, which appears to be a re-run of Hugh Laurie's show. This is nauseatingly cute because Hugh Laurie hosted SNL the night D and I got married. So clearly this will be a night for staying in and watching TV! (We only caught the last 30 minutes at the hotel as we realized we'd just paid $300 for everyone else to eat bitchin' smoked pig and we were suddenly ravenous and in need of room service...and as you know, the last half hour of SNL always sucks balls, but Hugh Laurie made it tolerable, as of course he could...)

And here is Jean at King's Cross, platform 9 3/4! They even saw Equus! Grr! (They like to do 10 plays in 10 days...needless to say, I'm speechless with envy).


Blancodeviosa said...

i can tell you they are cool dogs. i fell in love with my mom's!!

Veloute said...

Aww! I am in love with Guido already. I can't wait to see him on the Christmas cards, lol. And I love that Joe has a Wikipedia entry?!

I am not jealous about Equus solely based on that picture you posted last time.

I love that there really is a platform 9 3/4.

SkylersDad said...

You aren't going to carry the dog around like a purse are you?

Anonymous said...

Whatta cute little devil. His tongue is as big as his head!

Ellen Aim said...

Blanco: Pugs really are adorable, I suppose if I were to ever get a dog, they'd be at the top of a very short list...

Vel: I have a feeling who may be prominently featured on this year's card!

And yeah, Equus was probably more disturbing than usual with its odd casting.

Skyler'sD: Nah, he's way too big already for a proper Paris Hilton-sized accessory.

Macg: And therein lies his charm. This appears to only work for dogs...

Al said...

The dog's cute! Just like a mini version of Horny from my blog yesterday!

Ellen Aim said...

I was thinking there was a pug theme in the air!