Um. So, Cornell is GORGEOUS, like who didn't see that coming? The contracts class was WAY more interesting than I thought it would wasn't the dry dreariness I expected. They discussed cases and it was easy to follow along! Granted, it was a 1L class and it's early in the semester but woo!
How many movies has this been in? It's not our building, but whatev.
Whee! The only time I will probably be on this campus...
This is me under our bell tower, which apparently you can see from ALL OF ITHACA. As our tour guide said, you just can't escape it no matter where you go. (I will post more pics of my--ha ha, why do I keep saying that?--building later, dinner is afoot.)
Oh, and did I mention...
I mean damn. I'll post more about it later, but the campus is GAW-GEOUS and my (snicker) building, above all the others, looks so fucking serious. Like, out of my league serious.
But in the meantime...
I can still party in their city! Woot!
Note: I may look like ass in this picture, but far more crucial is the fact that I appear taller than Vel.
Wow!! Great pictures! And wow, it's really is beautiful!
And omg, you're right--I know that building. Though I can't figure out why. IMDB tells me it's because they shot The Sure Thing there, but... I swear I've seen it in more films than that.
(hee, love the height thing.)
Triana: Danke! And it wasn't even that cold!
Alex: I know, I suddenly want to watch The Sure Thing again even though I just saw it! And yes, there HAVE to be more movies shot here, but wiki and imdb don't list many...
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