Monday, October 20, 2008

J'ai une âme solitaire.


I know it's Texas (remind me to take a picture of the Jesus car down the street, it's unreal) but I still have to vote! There was actually a considerable line this morning, which I hope was a good thing. It wasn't long enough to make me late to work, but I think that's the first time I've had to wait in line to vote!

Very excited for my upcoming break, should be nice. Not sure how much I'm looking forward to a contracts class, but whatev. Also still playing with my LSAT games, good times.

Nursing the new salted caramel hot chocolate, which Alex recommended and I am just now geting around to trying. I thought it sounded a little nasty, but it's quite tasty. It was certainly chilly enough this morning to merit one!

What? Who finished season 3 of Will and Grace? Not me, I've been too busy studying and...oh, who am I kidding. Totally starting season 4 when I get back from New York...


Triana said...

Oh man, I've been dying for that salted caramel hot chocolate! MMMM!

Have you ever thought of a new career as a squirrel trainer?

Ellen Aim said...

I could take it or leave it, I've decided...more of a pumpkin spice latte girl.

And damn, I don't know how many times I had to threaten him with my Taser before he'd hold the sign still.

SkylersDad said...

I am officially requesting a Jesus car picture!

Ellen Aim said...

It was gone when I got home, someone seems to actually DRIVE the fucking thing. Maybe tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

I love squirrels, esp that one! So cute.

Dani and I are both voting early and even though Obama won't win Tx, every vote will help him move towards a greater mandate which he'll certainly need to govern more effectively. IF he wins that is. Fingers crossed!

Veloute said...

Jesus car! Jesus car! Jesus car!

I really want to try that hot chocolate. Salt does wonderful things to caramel and chocolate.

OMG your taser comment XD

Ellen Aim said...

MacG: Squirrels are rats with great tails. But that one's cute.

I know, I keep saying "IF" since I don't want to jinx it!

Vel: I'm taking my camera with me this morning. People are ALWAYS out walking on my cul-de-sac, but fuck 'em. That car is TOO SPECIAL.

Anonymous said...

Squirrels love acorns, so this picture clearly links Obama with ACORN. I bet that squirrel is in the process of committing voter fraud. ;)

Ellen Aim said...

Yeah, he does kinda have that squirrelly look about him...buh dum ching!

Your logic is foolproof.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, I wasn't even thinking of the Acorn connection. Fucking BS, voter registration fraud is NOT voter fraud and Republicans know it. Mickey Mouse isn't going to attempt to vote. Duh.

Now I hate that picture. Context is everything, right?

Ellen Aim said...


Ok, y'all, I think it was just supposed to be a cute-o squirrel.

Uh, I think.


Veloute said...

Ah ha! Perfect logic! That squirrel is clearly part of faux America.

Ellen Aim said...

Get him!