Wednesday, September 03, 2008

So, how long have you been using the Republican Party as a lesbian dating service?

Is it weird that I'll probably end up having watched more of the RNC than the DNC? Just keepin' an eye on 'em. After all, it was totally awesome to see the Co-Chairman completely fuck up Sarah Palin's name and not seem to realize it. But I am curious to see Palin's speech tonight, I admit it.

I still think it was a mistake, but it's funny to read other people's writing on the issue, as they tend to go from one extreme to the other. Hey, we'll see how it works out.

Also, I caught the latest New Rules online, it was fucking great...

In way more important news, it's that time of year again! Yup, the only way we know it's fall down here...the return of the Pumpkin Spice Latte! (Thanks, Alex!)

Oh, baby, baby...

And it just so wonderfully coincided with Bitchin' Weather Day, meaning the high today was 80. Like, for reals. I have all the windows and doors open. I never know who's more orgasmic, me or my cat.


SkylersDad said...

I will watch the speech tonight, hoping with all my heart for a train wreck. Is that so bad of me?

Anonymous said...

lol, I can't figure out what your subject line is from, but it reminded me of this (nsfw) story over at Wonkette:

Ellen Aim said...

SkyDad: I could only watch most of it. It's so depressing.

Alex: It's from Wonderfalls. LOVED that story, though, that was fucking hysterical magic.

Veloute said...

OMG I have to go to Burlington now just to have a pumpkin spice latte. Damn you.

I have a picture to send you, lol.