Saturday, February 17, 2007

Ok son, if you can raise $250 million we won't sell you to Paris Hilton.

Hee hee. Found it. Who'da thunk you could get it right off Comedy Central's website? And you don't even have to watch a commercial first like I did. So the best part of this clip is towards the end, when my state enters the discussion.

Also forgot to mention earlier that we FINALLY saw the Paris Hilton episode of South Park, titled Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset from season 8. (Apparently they're on season 11!) SO PERFECT. I **loved** it every time she hacked white phlegm into her hand and rubbed it on whatever was near. Or when her little dog shot himself. It was so vulgar and disgusting and probably an absolute mirror.

Best episode ever. It seriously looked just like her.

And on to films...I find it vaguely alarming that Premiere seems to think Little Miss Sunshine is going to win the Oscar. I see their logic, uh...Babel, like, too much for the masses, LFIwoJima, like all subtitled 'n shit...etc. Basically they think since Scorsese will win Best Director, they'll give best pic to LMSS since the two categories rarely go hand-in-hand. I find that logic shady at best and plus, Premiere almost never gets it right. I think Scorsese has been taking it in the ass for so long they'd BETTER give The Departed Best Picture AND Best Director. But we'll see.

And in closing, I did watch Marie Antoinette and a little write-up of it and Fuck should be up on the ol' BSL later. When I turned off MA, I didn't really think I liked it much. But the more I think about it, the more I like it. Like, a lot. Hmm. Same thing happened with Lost In Translation, however. (Although in that case, the film was just so drastically different from what I expected. The second time around and ever since, it's one of my favorites of all time). But Marie Antoinette is certainly worth watching just to look at (and not just at Kirsten Dunst, geez). That's not the only scene with those pastries!


Veloute said...


Brilliant clip, as usual. I love him.

Ellen Aim said...

I enjoyed it. And since he's from South Carolina I figure he can say whatever he wants about Texas! Probably the only state more embarrassing than my own...

Veloute said...

Kansas. If we're talking about embarrassing states. I mean states besides Texas.

Anonymous said...

Texas has given our proud country and the world for that matter, the Bush Dynasty, so therefor Tx wins hands down on that fact alone. I'm with the Dixie Chicks on this one.

And ellen, leave it up to you to mention pastries in your review for Marie Antoinette. lol

Blancodeviosa said...

the paris episode was definetly one of the best. i still wince a bit though.
you know i did like lil miss sunshine but, it isn't awe inspiring acedemy award worthy.
i am with you on the departed. real genious there. i seldom get caught off guard like i did on that one and i loved the pace of the movie.
as for colbert, he is a cornball genious. hands down, well except for stewart...

Ellen Aim said...

Vel: Oooh, Kansas. Good one. I've never forgiven that state for my having had to be driven through it, even at the tender age of...what, 6?

Daveyyo: Actually, I'd like to point the accusatory finger at the state of CT for having been the state from whence he CAME. We take no responsibilities whatsoever. Just because he came here and poisoned the well even further...

and DUDE you shoulda SEEN those pastries! They are ALWAYS on the screen! Watch it, you'll see!!

Blanco D: Yeah, Sunshine was a oncer. Scorsese...well, he made "After Hours," so I will always have the soft spot.

I can't get enough Stewart or Colbert...