The Oscars were a fairly dull affair, most everything was a lock and turned out as predicted. I guess Alan Arkin snaking the award from Eddie Murphy was a shame, but I wanted Mark Wahlberg to win anyway, so I wasn't really devastated. I guess he was expecting to win, though, what with reporting: Dreamgirls star Eddie Murphy was so devastated after losing the Best Supporting Actor Academy Award to Alan Arkin he stormed out of the ceremony, according to press reports in the US, including Roger Friedman of Murphy was the favorite to win the Oscar, which instead was awarded to Little Miss Sunshine star Arkin. The 45-year-old tried to downplay his disappointment telling American publication Us Weekly, "It's fine. It happens. It's OK." But shortly thereafter, Murphy and girlfriend Tracey Edmonds left the show and didn't return. Murphy missed out on his Dreamgirls cast mates Beyonce Knowles, Jennifer Hudson and Anika Noni Rose performing songs from the film, as well as Hudson's win for Best Supporting Actress.
As for me, I got to eat my truffles and drink my Oscar wine (which D always gives me for xmas), and that's the important part. And seeing Nicole Kidman pull off a giant red bow dress. (Note the scandal: is Naomi Watts pregnant? Do we care?)

D has been very stressed at work these days, so I know he's happy to have a vacation coming up at the end of March. I hoped taking him to New York City would prepare him a little for Tokyo. If anything, New York City originally intimidated me more than Tokyo--after all, they can understand you in New York, so you have almost no excuse for being a moron. But this last time I enjoyed it immensely. I really need to look over some Japanese before we go back, though. It's not like I've been using it for the past four years. Now that I know I get to keep my job maybe I can spend a little more time on that.
I was so exhausted last night I caught up on my Studio 60 (no comment, I just watch) and my weekly TBS-censored Sex and the City 'sodes. It's so hard to tell why and what they'll edit. They let them say "bullshit" but "cock," "pussy," and "dick" in certain contexts are apparently no-nos. ?? D was in the computer room a few weeks ago while I was watching and even called out, "Did they just say 'bullshit'?" I myself had been processing the same question. Clearly the answer would be to just own them and then I can watch them in all their profane glory. Not that I haven't before... But anyhoo, after these viewings, well, I curled up on the sofa and fell asleep just after D got home. He was supposed to be off at 4 but didn't leave til 6, a very regular thing, sadly. (Meaning he gets home around 7 and then I fell asleep around 7:45. Nice). And he closes tonight, so it's anyone's guess as to whether or not I'll make it. I didn't even get to see last night's Colbert Report and it was finally new after last week being off. (But that's what Tivo is for). Damn, House, M.D. isn't new again til next week. I swear, they do 2-3 at a time with that show.
truffles and oscar wine... sounds like a fun time
I try to work wine and chocolate into almost any occasion if given the chance...
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