Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's lite beer, and she's gonna throw it up anyway.

Wow. Today is FAH-KING slow. I was supposed to see a 1:30am screening of Sex & the City last night, but the prints are being held over another day, which sucks. Even worse, I woke up AT 1:30am for no reason and decided around 3am to just go watch some Daily Shows and Colberts til I could fall asleep, which finally did happen around 4.

Poor Mouche did something to his ear somehow and won't let it heal, which means he has to wear an E-collar again and you can imagine how much he loves that. He also wakes us up at odd hours to scratch his face for him, which is actually kinda cute.

So my lack of sleep isn't doing a whole lot for my mood...

But I did find a voice teacher and I'm going to try him out this Saturday. He's fucking expensive but he sounds like he'd be a really great we'll see. Nine AM makes sure I don't stay out too late the night before...or not, since tomorrow after work we're celebrating someone's birthday with some Japanese food and a little Sex & the City at 10:45pm. And it's in Addison. And that movie clocks in at around 148 minutes. So what, home around 2:30am? Whatever.

I really want to bring my little point-and-shoot for the occasion, but I don't think I can. Not to make a bad line out of it, but I think I left my battery in San Francisco. (It's small but probably a big hassle to replace).

And on top of that, I went back to look at my first blog entries and wow, this blog used to be a lot more inspired. Oh well.

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