Mid-meow, but a little drunk looking, perhaps.
Mouche always has to be at the highest point in the room. Windows are also a big favorite, and I'm not sure how I feel about him being in this one, since it's on the kitchen counter.
It's foggy again today, but this is my view from the kitchen counter. Usually you can see the water behind the trees. Very pretty and great breeze.
Excuse me for a moment. I am about to punch the sweet fucking life out of the chick next to me, who keeps re-telling the most insipid, worthless story to the guy next with her. I want to just lean over and say, "Can you work the details out for him somewhere else, please?" Also, she was humming Jingle Bells a couple minutes ago. You can see where my frustration is coming from.
Ok, back to story time. Here is my balcony. You actually can see into your neighbor's landing, but it's not too intrusive. In our case, Jim. He's quite nice. We have the corner, so we only have to worry about one neighbor.
The marsh in front of our building during the day...
...and at night! When the tide is in, it looks like this.
The night we got into Boston, it was quite foggy...but pretty!
And we had dinner at Legal Seafoods so I could get my crabmeat roll sandwich. SOOOOOOOOOOOO good.
Unrelated but cute, this was at our second hotel. Bourdain's paranoid and hides constantly, but he gets a little lazy about appearances when he's sleeping...
Also got our mailbox set up. They accept all packages for us, including anything that needs a signature. And since we have nighttime concierge, we can always get our stuff. So send packages! ;)
They also have two dry cleaners who drop off and pick up a few times a week. For an even bigger bonus, the friendliest employee is from Fort Worth and is also the apartment cat-sitter. Score!
Sadly, our place does not recycle, but I can sort of see why not. It's just not feasible considering the building's set-up. But as far as little things being exciting, we do have a rubbish chute in the hallway by the elevator. Listening to the trash plummet to its demise from eight floors up is both scary and gratifying.
Lastly, I went to the bookstore today and got five of my books. Three are for one class, two for another. So a small dent, really. For $201.75. Holy. Shit.
And please, for next time, can I get a bag that's a little less condescending?
I mean, is the bag mocking me? I feel like it wants to pat me on the head. Hey, fuck you, bag. Maybe I'm sensitive.
It should start unloading buckets of rain any minute now (so I'm told), so I'm heading off upstairs to nurse some Tuaca from Texas and read about the joys of coal mining disaster lawsuits, whee!
Hey, we'll be having Tuaca together!
That bag.
I LOVE your view and your sweet kitty cats.
Boston is so cool. You'll have a great time. Well, perhaps in between semesters ;)
Tuaca Tuaca Tuaca! Hee hee.
Next time I'm just carrying my damn books.
Pretty soon I'll forget what daylight looks like!
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