Saw Hot Fuzz last night. Hmm. It picked up after about 25 minutes, then towards the end turned into a very over the top take on American action movies (which was funny). I was surprised at the gore and blood throughout, but good times. It was cute overall (mostly due to the characters), but also a bit long (which has been nearly everyone's one criticism). No Shaun of the Dead, but I knew that going in. It also had a creepy Timothy Dalton and a small slew of cameos, including Bill Nighy.
Set aside the criminal law book for a day in exchange for a bit of fluff and started reading The Devil Wears Prada, which is already so much better than the movie. Again, this is not a surprise. Detail! Character! Things that somehow go amiss (for the most part) in a movie...And for the record, if I didn't know how to work one, I wouldn't drive a stick for someone in New York City for anyone, forget the job. Shit, I almost wouldn't drive in New York for anyone.
(spoken in my Michael Douglas voice)
"gore is good"
Al: Indeed.
Skyler'sD: Everything sounds much more serious in a Michael Douglas voice!
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