Sunday, April 06, 2008

And then your mother goes around the corner and she licks it up.

If I'm going to be wide awake at 4:07am, at least I stumbled onto Wil Wheaton's review of one of the top 5 worst STNG episodes, Angel One. Little long, but some great bits in there. And yeah, that episode did suck some balls, as I recall...

His blog is pretty hysterical as well...


SkylersDad said...

That was fantastic! Scan for something out of the ordinary - like chest hair!

Ellen Aim said...

I laughed more than a few times. I also quite enjoyed:

"Riker petulantly tells Data, "Let's not look for problems." Yeah, because looking for and solving problems just isn't the way we do things in Starfleet, dog."

If you ask me, Riker was *always* petulant!