Friday, June 08, 2007

Tramp, the love interest, is a smarmy braggart of the most obnoxious kind, an oily jail bird out for a piece of tail or whatever he can get.

I know I said I would raise a glass of bubbly on June 5th in toast to dumb bitches getting what they deserve, but I forgot. Because hopefully I have better things on my mind. But this afternoon I was looking for an excuse to get white wine (I only have red in the house) and considering the devastating events of the day...

Here's to stupid spoiled whores going BACK to jail! I almost felt bad for her (the crying! the screaming!) until I reminded myself what a spoiled rotten human she is, and then I raised my glass and went about my business.

A little game lifted from over at Mob's blog, here's the rules:

01. Grab the nearest book
02. Open it to page 161
03. Find the fifth full sentence
04. Post the text along with these instructions

"The pursuit of 'dominance' in foreign policy led the Bush administration to ignore the United Nations, to do serious damage to our most important alliances, to violate international law, and to cultivate the hatred and contempt of many in the rest of the world."

Geez, kinda heavy. [Considering it could have been so much better...] But amen.


Anonymous said...

Kinda of heavy and really, really obvious.

Ellen Aim said...

My thoughts as well.

"The sky was almost...BLUE!"

It's from Al Gore's "The Assault On Reason." To be fair, it is the very beginning of the chapter.

I was hoping for something sultry and disturbing, so I grabbed The Hot Zone, but that proved dull so I just went with Gore.

Dang. Now I've picked up The Orchid Thief and this one's much better.

"Bob was packing up his exotic-wood pens."


Anonymous said...

lol Sounds faintly erotic. Just kidding.

Triana said...

Ok, the thought of Bob packing up his exotic wood pens made me laugh. This may have to be a random statement said to confuse people while sounding naughty.

Ellen Aim said...

MacG: No, actually, it DOES. Or at least borderline creepy...

Tri: It would amuse me to spazz out at work and get really flustered, "WHERE are my EXOTIC-WOOD pens?? Did YOU take them??"

SkylersDad said...

Paris would say Exotic wood pens are hot...

Anonymous said...

If I were gay it might sound hot or erotic but i'm not, so it doesn't. Now change it to a female name packing her exotic silken something or other, and that would be something else entirely. To me.

Veloute said...

01. Grab the nearest book
02. Open it to page 161
03. Find the fifth full sentence
04. Post the text along with these instructions

"He imagined them torturing him until he led them to his forbidden pet".

(It's not really the 5th sentence, but there are so many fragmented sentences in this book-apparently-that I just did the best I could. So this is about the 5th FULL sentence).

Ellen Aim said...

Skyler D: She totally would. That's why I'm saving up for the Paris Edition.

MacG: It's ok if it makes you feel weird.

Vel: That is awesome. The fuck are you reading?

Triana said...

"Bob was packing up his exotic-wood pens. He imagined them torturing him until he led them to his forbidden pet".


Anonymous said...

lol I did come across as a bit defensive, didn't I?

Ellen Aim said...

Triana: Hell, I'd read it!

MacG: It made me laugh!

Veloute said...


The wood pens just make me cry with laughter.

The book I picked up is this book Mom picked up at a garage sale (for me to read, .25! woot!): "Wringer: Not all Birthdays are Welcome" by Jerry Spinelli (a book for 8-12 year olds; not what that sentence would necessarily lead you to believe).

Maybe pens is a typo? No?

Ellen Aim said...

Vel: I'm still intrigued. Forbidden pets! Torture!


I might steal it for MY version...