Friday, November 09, 2007

He's finally matched his meet. You really licked his ass.

Have I mentioned how I'm wetting myself in anticipation of this movie? I stole this from Hot Lemon's blog...

I think I spend too much time on Netfux. I was playing around on amazon and found myself hovering the mouse over the titles of albums or movies and expecting little blurb boxes to pop up and tell me about the item. It never happened.

Anyone living at the Denton house tomorrow is welcome to read I Am America (And So Can You!), as I seem to have bought a Happy Daylight Savings Time To Me wasn't anything special but it definitely had some good chuckles, particularly the chapters on homosexuality and immigration. (I had two gift cards left over from Barnes & Noble, so Colbert was mine for about nine bucks, can't beat it).


Veloute said...

I got Aesop, too. But first I got some Fox. I tried again after Doug did his the next day and I got Aesop. There are a couple of questions that could go either way and I guess that is what happened.

I'm pretty sure I'm not assertive.


Ellen Aim said...

D got a fox, too. Maybe those are the only two animals they have...

And you can be assertive! When called for?