Friday, April 03, 2009

One big world full of no.

Just when you think it is, anyway, someone actually wants you.

I got accepted to law school!!! Omg, someone actually wants me!!

What's creepy is that I had a feeling today was the day. Also, I stopped off to rent Boston Legal on the way home to entertain myself while I finish painting the kitchen. Shoulda rented it a long time ago! Wow, and now I'll know what to expect from Boston law! ;)

Today I cannot wipe the giddy smile off my face. Tomorrow, I will begin shitting nervous poo for six months thinking about moving, money and house selling. And getting Bourdain up there.


Triana said...
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Triana said...

WOOO!! Congrats!!!

That's so exciting! You're going to do wonderfully!

Ellen Aim said...

Thank you!!!

And yeah, I already sent an email to Vel telling her this is all her fault!! Lol!

SkylersDad said...

Way to go!!!

Triana said...

Well of course it is! Doh!

Hey, more reasons to continue to visit the north east! I'm for it. :)

Ellen Aim said...

SkyD: Thank you!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!

Tri: Gads, someone has to have a canoli (sp?) connection!! I don't spell them, I eat them.

Veloute said...

Yay!!!! Congrats!!!

And DAMN. DAMN!!! Oh well, we'll still visit each other :)

That picture made me LOL.

You will be fab!

Ellen Aim said...

Danke! And after today's post, it looks like I may be at least a little closer to TX than Boston!

*crosses fingers for a ton of money to come her way*